
Wearable biometric sensing for any project

What is EmotiBit?

EmotiBit is a wearable sensor module for capturing high-quality emotional, physiological, and movement data. Easy-to-use and scientifically-validated sensing lets you enjoy wireless data streaming to any platform or direct data recording to the built-in SD card. Customize the Arduino-compatible hardware and fully open-source
software to meet any project needs!


Study emotional, physiological, and movement data. 100% raw data ownership.

Art + DIY

Stream live data from your body. Open-source and customizable.

Personal Health

Learn about your stress, sleep, exercise, and more with labeled data.


Teach your students about biometric signals and what they mean.

Add emotional data to your research

Buy EmotiBit

EmotiBit is also shipping worldwide from the OpenBCI web store!

Working together to fulfill emotional AND cognitive needs

Learn about your stress, sleep, exercise and more

Emotion Insights Made Easy

1 Stack

Stack EmotiBit with any Adafruit Feather module, insert an SD card, and plug in a battery.

2 Sense

Place EmotiBit almost anywhere on the body and launch the visualizer to start viewing physiological data.

3 Stream

Save data to an SD card, stream over your network or open up the code and do anything you want!

Projects Using EmotiBit

Bringing EmotiBit into the Classroom

Working with the NYU BrainWaves program, EmotiBit helps provide immediate feedback to students about how cognitive and neural processes change our physiology on a moment by moment basis.

Heartbeats on Your Sleeve

Wearing your heart on your sleeve! A work-in-progress demo from a maker plugging EmotiBit into the CharliePlex Adafruit FeatherWing to display heartbeat data as a digital decoration on his sleeve.

UQAC Risk Taking Research

In collaboration with the University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, snowboarders outfitted with EmotiBit push their bodies and minds to the limits in a study to understand the physiology of risk-taking behavior.

Left Footprints - Interactive Art

As part of the New York Electronic Art Festival and New York Hall of Science residency program, LoVid’s trans-disciplinary art installation streams biometric data from the EmotiBit to live-deconstruct an immersive audio-visual experience.

NYU Cognitive Neuroscience Research

Researchers in the Poeppel lab are using EmotiBit to understand how multiple people synchronize their physiological and emotional responses during interpersonal communication.

Quantifying a Day with EmotiBit

Parsons School of Design student and EmotiBit beta-user began logging her physical and psycho-emotional changes throughout the day. With the simple data labeling feature built into the EmotiBit app, she has begun using data science and machine learning to discover patterns.

Stream physiological data to unleash your inner creativity

Feature Highlights


Simple bio-sensing from almost anywhere on the body.

No more sensor-wire spaghetti. Small, light-weight and uniquely designed hardware lets you wear EmotiBit in any orientation and stream data from nearly anywhere on the body.

Easy to Use

Strap on the EmotiBit and start streaming data.

Strap on and stream high-value physiological and movement data directly to your computer, phone, SD card, or any software platform you want.

100% User-Owned Data

No more concerns about
data privacy.

Transparent data collection and processing protects user data and enables scientific peer-review without hidden proprietary data manipulation.


Easily customize to any project needs.

Arduino compatible. Easily use multiple EmotiBits together or combine with additional sensor systems and devices in the Adafruit Feather ecosystem.

16+ Data Streams

Emotional insights from scientifically-validated raw data.

High-value and scientifically validated data from 16+ sensor streams can be wirelessly transmitted or written locally on SD cards to ensure the highest data integrity.

Flexible Connectivity

Stream data anywhere; control anything.

Stream data wirelessly over any Adafruit Feather-enabled protocol to innumerable software platforms.

Strap & Go Case

Want to use EmotiBit in extreme sports, education or medical research?

The EmotiBit strap-and-go case designed in the Paquette lab at UQAC adds protection while still allowing you to sense physiological data from nearly anywhere on the body.

Want more flexibility?

Download open-source 3D case designs and customize them to your specific needs.

Easy to use, customizable, and open source

Open Source Sensing

Packed with sensors in a wearable form-factor, EmotiBit lets you immediately begin streaming 16+ signals from the body.

 Learn more about EmotiBit signals and data at docs.emotibit.com.

Derive a moment-by-moment portrait of your emotional state

Cross-Platform Visualizer

Download the EmotiBit cross-platform visualizer (Mac, PC, Linux) to start streaming data. The visualizer is simple to use and built on the OpenFrameworks creative-coding toolkit to allow open-source customize-ability!

Teach your students about physiological data

Open Connectivity

The open connectivity of EmotiBit gives you flexibility in how you can access, analyze, and integrate biometric data. Out of the box you can connect to data streams using multiple protocols, including OSC, LSL, and UDP. You can also bring your data to life with Python and eight additional languages with the BrainFlow SDK.

EmotiBit’s open-source ecosystem is constantly growing, and advanced users can extend connectivity options with firmware or software code changes to include protocols like TCP, MQTT, Bluetooth, LoRa and more!

Explore your biometric data

How EmotiBit Stacks Up

Comparing EmotiBit to other bio-sensor platforms

Affordable and adaptable research-grade sensing

EmotiBit Team

EmotiBit is being developed by the engineers and designers at Connected Future Labs that have over 25 years combined experience sensing signals from the body and developing algorithms to make sense out of those signals.

Sean Montgomery Ph.D., Founder

Bio-sensing expert, engineer, educator, and new-media artist

The founder of EmotiBit finished his Ph.D. in neuroscience in 2009 and has since led the development of numerous wearable and bio-sensing products including the connected jewelry at Ringly, as well as the Truth Wristband, Heart-felt Shirt, and Thinking Cap.


In addition to our core engineering team, we’ve partnered with leaders in the scientific and art communities from around the world to create a scientifically validated sensor platform that is truly plug & play for a wide range of applications.

Suzanne Dikker Ph.D.

Senior Research Scientist (NYU Psychology)
New Media Artist

Prof. Linda Paquette

Professor of Psychology studying risk-taking behavior at the University of Quebec Chicoutimi

LoVid Studio

Tali Hinkis & Kyle Lapidus are a new-media artist duo in New York

Prof. Ghyslain Gagnon

Prof. Ghyslain Gagnon Director of LaCIME Lab Microelectronics and ML ÉTS Montreal

Let's make biometric sensing accessible to everyone!


Discover the future of biometric sensing

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At EmotiBit, we believe that biometric sensing will help unlock human potential. And we want more voices to be a part of that conversation.

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